SEO 101

SEO 101

What is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing a website to increase the quantity and quality of traffic (people visiting your site) based off of search engine results.


When someone uses a search engine (ex. Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo), the sites with the highest quality SEO are the sites that pop up on the first page of search results. Few people will waste time scrolling beyond the first few pages of search results. SEO is the process of making your site content, be it blogs, videos, or pictures, more visible and “attractive” to search engine algorithms.


How Do Algorithms Work?

By appropriately using tags, keywords, external and internal page links and other factors, you maximize your site’s “crawlability”. Crawling is how search engines like Google find and rank new websites. Google uses computer programs (bots or spiders) to crawl websites already known to their index to follow links to other websites. So if your site is linked on another website, like social media sites, Google’s bots will follow that link to your site and index the content for ranking. The higher quality of tags, keywords and links you use, the better your ranking on these search engines will be.



Keywords are the foundation of SEO. The algorithms are based on keywords. Using a Keyword Explorer tool, many of which are free online, can help you figure out which relevant keywords will get your ranked higher on a search engine. Plug in some keywords into the tool and you’ll get a report on the keyword’s search volume, value and difficulty. Choose your keywords carefully to get the best results. By including your currated keywords in title tags, URLs and mentioning keywords throughout your page, you are optimizing.


Search Intent

Search intent factors in to how successful your choice of keywords will be. Most people who search for a new vacuum will be looking for reviews, not to buy immediately. By thinking about keywords from your target consumer’s point of view, you can get more specific in your keyword phrasing. Ensure that your keywords match your content. If your keyword is “cooking set”, the searcher’s intent probably won’t be to read a blog post about your grandmother’s antique pots and pans. Title tags, including keywords in the URL and mentioning keywords throughout your page are also important, but the search intent is a much bigger factor in ranking.



A major algorithm factor is mobile accessibility. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, your search engine ranking will be considerably lower. This is because 63% of Google searches are done using mobile devices, with this percentage increasing every year. Check your page’s accessibility on various devices, Android and iOS, different models of devices as well, to ensure your potential clients can see your content.