Retail Bots

Retail Bots

If you have ever hovered your mouse over the Buy Now button, eyes on the countdown in hopes of scoring a limited-edition item as soon as it drops online, you have probably also felt the disappointment when that item sells out instantly and you lose your shot. Ever wonder how they sell out instantly? It’s likely due to retail bots. Retail bots, or Buy Bots, are programs built to chase down the hottest items and buy them up in an automated process. These bots are lightning fast and programmed to snag as many of the coveted item up as allowed. The people behind the bots can then resell the items at an extortionate rate, or simply mark them up a bit to make a profit. Bots can be an extremely profitable addition to any ecommerce business or retailer. Today we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of Buy Bots.

As buy bots are simply a program created for the purpose of automating purchases, they can allow an ecommerce business to get the jump on elusive items such as high-end sneakers, sports cards, Funko Pops, computer hardware and so much more. Any item you want to stock, you can get a bot to try to scoop them up for you. Bots can be rented easily for a set time, for anywhere from $5-$100, for a day to a month or more. The barrier to entry is quite low. The process is simple too! You set the desired item’s SKU number, enter your payment information, and set the purchase parameters, then forget about it. The software will trawl the sites you set in the parameters every few seconds and if an item you want restocks, it will automatically complete the checkout process in milliseconds.

If your ecommerce business needs a boost to get ahold of highly sought-after items like GPUs, which are in astronomical demand currently, you need an army of bots to compete with scalpers and other secondary market businesses. The problem with creating an army of bots is demand. Companies that create targeted bots, ones specific for sneakers or other items, will be harder and more expensive to purchase. Those companies want to ensure that there aren’t too many of their own bots out there, as to not inundate the market and create a decline in chances of their customers getting the goods they desire, so they limit access. Another drawback is that, though these companies are constantly updating their bots and fixing bugs, retail giants like Amazon are constantly updating their sites to detect and flag your bots. When Amazon flags the account that a bot is working through, your purchase won’t be completed.

Now, if you are willing to invest the time and money into some top-of-the-line bots, you may be able to score big and make a huge profit on the right market. There are massive communities dedicated to sharing information on the latest drops and helping members obtain coveted goods. But it does take some effort, luck and patience for those items that are highly sought. If the items you seek are less in demand, bots can be a boon to your business.

Come back next week for more information on all thing’s technology!