App Privacy

App Privacy

App privacy has been a concern for millions, and it has been all over the news recently! From WhatsApp allowing users to decline the privacy policy to Google Play promising privacy labels by 2022. Let us dive a bit deeper into app privacy and how it affects the everyday user.

App Privacy Labels

Privacy labels allow users to better understand an app’s privacy practices BEFORE downloading an app. Privacy labels alert users of the types of data the app may collect, whether the data is linked to the user, or used to track the user.

Why it is an issue.

Personal data that is collected, stored, or shared by an app has the potential to paint a target on your identity. Personal data includes first and last names, email addresses, telephone numbers, location data and analytics. Breaches of personal data have resulted in millions of dollars in settlements from companies like Marriott, Equifax, Uber, Yahoo and so many more.

The Latest

Apple has enacted a new policy for new apps and updates going forward. All apps require a privacy label detailing the privacy policy and what data is tracked, collected, and shared. All of this will be placed in the app’s description. Google Play has vowed to enact a similar policy by 2022 and other app stores will soon follow suit.

What is means for developers?

If you are an app developer, you need to ensure that you have a thorough and ironclad privacy policy and the security measures to back it up. Any updates you make to your apps on Apple will need a privacy label to be accepted, and any new apps will require the privacy label as well. This will not only protect you from litigation but ensure best practices for your customers as well.

Come back next week for more in-depth information on all thing’s tech!